Why Can't I Get High

Why Can’t I Get High

Why Can’t I Get High

Why Can’t I Get High :You’ve heard it all before, right? You know you feel like high, but you just don’t feel like getting high. Well, perhaps I am wrong about you. You may not feel high, but you get excited and astonished when your doctor rates your cholesterol as bad and your blood pressure as it should be. That’s the implication of the imbalance in your body chemistry. You’ve probably experienced this scenario numerous times: You hear the doctor say, “You are too high in cholesterol and your blood work reveals it,” but you don’t feel any different; you’re just glad to be done with it all. These situations give you this sensation that there is some magic pill you can take without any side effects, to get rid of the high score on your chart. This is all fiction. There is no magical formula to get rid of a high score. You will always have to take the necessary steps to maintain a healthy body chemistry.

Once upon a time, when you were just a renamer, you may have got the idea that cholesterol was a huge number and not something to worry about. But now, in the midst of battling for your life, you are now a pro-ioxidant person. Your chemical makeup is finally catching up to you. You are now a “good” person to be proud of. But this change is not going to come by itself. You and most of your friends, doctors included, saw this coming. You were seeing the numbers on your blood pressure, your doctor was concerned, but you didn’t care. You’d already taken the “required steps.” Now it’s time to do more.

Doing Is Having Its Problem With You

You cannot see what is happening to you, but you feel terrible, imagine the overthrow in your levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and the other blood pigs. You’ve already looked your doctor in the eyes, you have answered your previous question so he/she can’t interfere with your plans, but you are terribly unsure of what to do. There are no signs of aging for you; quite the contrary, you’re 23 forever and you’ve just discovered you have high blood pressure, so you need to be careless in your attitudes towards your changing situation.

The bakery you’ve been walking into every day, with its fresh pastries, sweet spices, and fresh baked bread, looks like it could be the reason you’re still here. However, inside that bakery is where your heart rate takes a dive. You could ask it any time and it will tell you the risks and consequences.

You follow the crowd by avoiding direct confrontations, instead looking for stages to reach that critical point knowing there’s always someone watching. There’s always that someone watching, waiting for that day to come when the cute little cherub stands at the door with a knocked-off bag of sour cream. When that day comes, instead of hitting theRetinaldiet, you should have pressed that bell.

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